6 research outputs found

    Structures of Drosophila Cryptochrome and Mouse Cryptochrome1 Provide Insight into Circadian Function

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    SummaryDrosophila cryptochrome (dCRY) is a FAD-dependent circadian photoreceptor, whereas mammalian cryptochromes (CRY1/2) are integral clock components that repress mCLOCK/mBMAL1-dependent transcription. We report crystal structures of full-length dCRY, a dCRY loop deletion construct, and the photolyase homology region of mouse CRY1 (mCRY1). Our dCRY structures depict Phe534 of the regulatory tail in the same location as the photolesion in DNA-repairing photolyases and reveal that the sulfur loop and tail residue Cys523 plays key roles in the dCRY photoreaction. Our mCRY1 structure visualizes previously characterized mutations, an NLS, and MAPK and AMPK phosphorylation sites. We show that the FAD and antenna chromophore-binding regions, a predicted coiled-coil helix, the C-terminal lid, and charged surfaces are involved in FAD-independent mPER2 and FBXL3 binding and mCLOCK/mBMAL1 transcriptional repression. The structure of a mammalian cryptochrome1 protein may catalyze the development of CRY chemical probes and the design of therapeutic metabolic modulators

    Interaction of Circadian Clock Proteins CRY1 and PER2 Is Modulated by Zinc Binding and Disulfide Bond Formation

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    SummaryPeriod (PER) proteins are essential components of the mammalian circadian clock. They form complexes with cryptochromes (CRY), which negatively regulate CLOCK/BMAL1-dependent transactivation of clock and clock-controlled genes. To define the roles of mammalian CRY/PER complexes in the circadian clock, we have determined the crystal structure of a complex comprising the photolyase homology region of mouse CRY1 (mCRY1) and a C-terminal mouse PER2 (mPER2) fragment. mPER2 winds around the helical mCRY1 domain covering the binding sites of FBXL3 and CLOCK/BMAL1, but not the FAD binding pocket. Our structure revealed an unexpected zinc ion in one interface, which stabilizes mCRY1-mPER2 interactions in vivo. We provide evidence that mCRY1/mPER2 complex formation is modulated by an interplay of zinc binding and mCRY1 disulfide bond formation, which may be influenced by the redox state of the cell. Our studies may allow for the development of circadian and metabolic modulators

    Unwinding the differences of the mammalian PERIOD clock proteins from crystal structure to cellular function

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    The three PERIOD homologues mPER1, mPER2, and mPER3 constitute central components of the mammalian circadian clock. They contain two PAS (PER-ARNT-SIM) domains (PAS-A and PAS-B), which mediate homo- and heterodimeric mPER-mPER interactions as well as interactions with transcription factors and kinases. Here we present crystal structures of PAS domain fragments of mPER1 and mPER3 and compare them with the previously reported mPER2 structure. The structures reveal homodimers, which are mediated by interactions of the PAS-B β-sheet surface including a highly conserved tryptophan (Trp448(mPER1), Trp419(mPER2), Trp359(mPER3)). mPER1 homodimers are additionally stabilized by interactions between the PAS-A domains and mPER3 homodimers by an N-terminal region including a predicted helix-loop-helix motive. We have verified the existence of these homodimer interfaces in solution and inside cells using analytical gel filtration and luciferase complementation assays and quantified their contributions to homodimer stability by analytical ultracentrifugation. We also show by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analyses that destabilization of the PAS-B/tryptophan dimer interface leads to a faster mobility of mPER2 containing complexes in human U2OS cells. Our study reveals structural and quantitative differences between the homodimeric interactions of the three mouse PERIOD homologues, which are likely to contribute to their distinct clock functions

    Functional characterization of the circadian clock in the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba

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    Abstract Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a key species in Southern Ocean ecosystem where it plays a central role in the Antarctic food web. Available information supports the existence of an endogenous timing system in krill enabling it to synchronize metabolism and behavior with an environment characterized by extreme seasonal changes in terms of day length, food availability, and surface ice extent. A screening of our transcriptome database “KrillDB” allowed us to identify the putative orthologues of 20 circadian clock components. Mapping of conserved domains and phylogenetic analyses strongly supported annotations of the identified sequences. Luciferase assays and co-immunoprecipitation experiments allowed us to define the role of the main clock components. Our findings provide an overall picture of the molecular mechanisms underlying the functioning of the endogenous circadian clock in the Antarctic krill and shed light on their evolution throughout crustaceans speciation. Interestingly, the core clock machinery shows both mammalian and insect features that presumably contribute to an evolutionary strategy to cope with polar environment’s challenges. Moreover, despite the extreme variability characterizing the Antarctic seasonal day length, the conserved light mediated degradation of the photoreceptor EsCRY1 suggests a persisting pivotal role of light as a Zeitgeber

    Live-cell imaging of circadian clock protein dynamics in CRISPR-generated knock-in cells

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    Live-cell recordings have been an important tool for studying circadian rhythms. Here the authors use CRISPR gene editing mediated knock-in to fluorescently tag Per2 and Cry1, and study cellular circadian dynamics of these two clock proteins